Friday, October 05, 2007

Dogs and Their Behaviors

It's important to understand what dogs are saying with their bodies, not only to know your own dog but to better predict what other dogs are doing. To really read a dog's body language takes experience. By watching different body parts (ears, tails, eyes, lips, hair, overall posture) separately for a while. I have learned that in such cases like confidence, there will be an
erect stance (standing tall), tail up, tail wagging in a slower sweep, ears pricked up or relaxed, direct look; relaxed, smaller pupils. On the other hand, signs of fear or concern are more lowered stances, having the tail down or tucked under, tail wagging in a quick, frantic buzz; looking away or turning head away to look so that whites of eyes show and they also have dilated pupils. Dogs often bark out of fear, in an attempt to keep a distance between themselves and the "big scary thing", especially if they are cornered, fenced in, or on a leash.

Dogs that are aroused will often have their hair stand on end which are the areas over the shoulders and just before the tail. This doesn't necessarily mean aggression, just that they are on high alert. Some dogs get more easily aroused than others; it's like some people who get red in the face very easily. And also like people, dogs get scared and lack confidence as well. When a dog lacks confidence, their back will be arched with their butt and head lowered. Their legs will be bent and his tail is down while looking at the thing that is scaring them. Their pupils are dilated and could easily snap at someone trying to reach out to them.

A dogs dominant body postures are very different from when they are scared. They like to stand over another dog, standing tall, hooking the dominant dog's chin or paw over another dog's shoulders, calmly accepting other dogs licking at their lips; staring. Some confident, dominant dogs will roll on their backs, exposing their bellies, in an attempt to reassure a more shy or submissive dog, or to get that other dog to play. They will be relaxed when they do that, and usually still look the other dog in the eye. Sometimes mounting ("humping") another dog is a sign of dominance, but not always; this often-misunderstood gesture can also be used by a lower-ranking dog to try to demonstrate his allegiance with a higher-ranking animal.

Just like kids, dogs also like to play, with other dogs or with a human. Since dog-dog play is very similar to serious things like fighting, hunting and reproducing, dogs have good ritualistic ways of demonstrating that their intentions are peaceful and fun-loving. Dog play is often initiated by a play invitation like a play bow or pawing the air (especially with puppies). Even when dogs play very roughly, they are usually fairly relaxed; their lips usually cover their teeth (not drawn back in a snarl). Dogs often bark in play; this will usually be higher-pitched than that same dog's fear-bark or warning-bark. Sometimes dogs will mount each other in play. They are often excited, but not in a sexual way, and it seems to be a way to bond. It is occasionally a show of dominance, but not always. Some dogs appear to mount high-ranking dogs in an attempt to find their place in a group that is much more complicated than a straight-line hierarchy.

Just like humans, dogs have different ways of showing and interpreting different behaviors that other dogs use. Unlike humans, dogs act out more on their instincts and "feelings". I found that the way to get more closer with your dog is to watch closely at their behaviors and let them know what is right an what is wrong. They will be a better dog and you will be a better owner for that.



At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great post about mans best friend. I used to be scared of dogs for a long time till I learned more about their behavior. One thing that I know of is the action of the dog coming to a new persons hand and smelling/licking it. Many people conufuse that for a dog trying to bite their hands. However this is just a sign of them to recognize you and see if they remember you due to their excellent olfactory senses. This is a good post and allows us to know more about the bestest friend a man has had for the longest time.

Posted by,
Kirubakaran Sivagurunathan.


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