Scientists at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, recently tested a device that might help with certain nerve damage. They tested the devices on monkeys which had paralyzed muscles. They found that the monkeys were able to regain movement by learning to control a single brain cell. "The device monitored the activity of a brain cell and used that as a cue to stimulate wrist muscles electrically. Researchers found it could even use brain cells that normally had nothing to do with wrist movement." Chet Moritz said in the article. In the experiment two macaques at different times and learned that using their wrists to move a cursor on a computer screen. This research might have a significant effect in the future with paralyzed limbs it might lead to the possible elimination of the problem all together.
Charles Scondras
This is realy interesting. This could potentially be a cure for paralysis? How did the monkey learn to control the brain cell?
-Cecelia Hunt
Nice article, so wrist movement was the only thing that they were able to control? has there been any updates? How exactly does one control a brain cell!
Mia DiFabbio
That is unbelievable that they're able to potentially cure paralysis. How do the monkeys know they need to control a single brain cell?
~Dan Hong
This is amazing! I have always been fascinated by how neurologists are discovering ways to help people who have nerve damage. Nice job.
Ericka Adey
This seems like a major breakthrough if it is a realistic possibility... if we could cure paralysis through these nerve cells could this method also be used to cure nerve-related diseases such as Huntington's or Parkinson's, etc?
-Alicia Stein
This seems like a fortuitous advancement indeed. Has this technology only beenjust recently developed? I wonder if the technology can be used to help in other nerve related issues or whether it would be limited to paralysis.
-Helen Thi
This seems like a really big breakthrough! You mentioned that the monkeys could control a single brain cell. How do they know how to do this? Do they do it involuntarily or voluntarily? Also, do you think this could be the start of the end to paralysis to humans? I am very curious as to how far we can go with this new and exciting information! Nice find.
-Alyson Paige
What an interesting breakthrough for medical science. Do they have any plans to begin studies on humans? If so, will it be in the near future?
- Debbie Theodat
That's cool.
I'm wondering whether it would also help in curing MS.
Noam Pelleg (10/19)
Was this only tested on one type of monkey? And how were they trained to use the computer?
It seems that part of the second to the last sentence has been left out and it doesn't really make sense. Overall I felt that this was a very interesting article though. Is there any information about testing on people?
-Alex Jackson
I think it was only tested in one type of monkey but i'm they will test it one more before it goes to human testing. It didn't really go to in depth about how they were trained just how they triggered the nerve cell with the movement of their wrists.
Charles Scondras
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