Friday, October 05, 2007

A Resurgence of DDT in Nature

Birds of prey have long been the beauties of the sky. Their large physique and remarkable agility have caught the eye of many ornithologists around the world. Like many animals in the wild; these astonishing creatures have been fighting a long battle with the human species, and the products which we expose upon our environment. Post World War II, the U.S. began using a chemical called DDT to wipe out disease transmitting insects. “In 1972 DDT was banned from the U.S.”, it was found to cause health problems to much of the wildlife in which it was introduced. DDT was found to affect egg health in many birds of prey, and caused egg shells to become thin and brittle. A study of DDT’s affects on eggshells has shown that above concentrations of 200 p.p.m. the eggshells become brittle and are easily broken.

Ornithologists have also been fascinated by the coloration of the bird eggs, and why they are the color they are. Speckling of bird eggs isn’t just some phenomenon of nature, but is linked to the health of the mother. DDT has been found to cause calcium deficiencies and therefore causes a bluish-green hue in the eggs. Coloration of eggs can say much about the health of the egg and of the mother. Currently, The World Health Organization is promoting the use of DDT indoors to stop the spread of malaria. Although the use of DDT is an effective mode of ceasing the spread of malaria, the heart of the matter be, whether DDT is used indoors or out it is affecting the surrounding environment.

So where do we move from here in the environmental world? Although malaria is a major concern in the world today, so is the preservation of all forms of natural life. In times such as these where the fate of the world lies between a long hard road to preserving life on earth and cascading global meltdown; the fate of our lives seems much less of a concern when we are the cause of so much environmental damage. The human species needs to recognize that we are not the only life on this planet that matters. Other life can and should come before ours at times. DDT need not be reintroduced into our environment, and malaria can wait for the adequate research to be done for antibiotics.


Posted by PWH (1)


At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this article very interesting even though it's not really related to animal behavior. I remember learning about dark matter in middle school physics class after that I haven't really heard much about in any of my other physics courses. It was really interesting to read about this after quite a long time. I know that the composition of dark matter hasn't really been known yet however, the scientists believe that it probably consists of heavy and neutral particles of particles that travel close to the speed of light. It is extremely difficult to understand the chemistry of these particles. These are some of the important things I remember reading , about dark matter.

Great Post!

Posted by PB&J

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sure that there was something there about dark matter and it was interesting so I responded to it, but now that I go back and look there's another article, how is this possible?...hmm!!!!!!!!!

Posted By PB&J


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